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Contact Report #873 "Life and peace demand that neither weapons nor other things be produced and used for war, murder and torture..." / December 24, 2023 / FIGU INFO / Free Download
Sunday, 24th December 2023, 2:54 hrs
Billy Eduard Albert Meier / FIGU Switzerland
Translation: Joseph Darmanin using Deep L Translator
Life and peace demand that neither weapons nor other things be produced and used for war, murder and torture etc., neither for hatred, revenge and retribution, nor also for any other violence of any kind, nor for destruction, annihilation and extermination, because they are never a way to create true peace, freedom, law and order, but only means to create discord, unfreedom, disaster and multiple death with them!
Every war is unjust, also when one party is in the right and defends itself against the breach of promise of another party and wrongly defends itself with war. Every war is to be condemned, for it can never be justiied, especially not by logic, understanding and reason, for war automatically triggers counter-war, whereby violence again creates violence, as has been the custom of human beings on Earth since time immemorial, and primarily through the military, which is truly the greatest criminal evil of earthly humanity and which has never been justified since its existence, just as the military must have no right to exist, especially in this day and age.
Since time immemorial, the military has been a guild of murderers organised against human lives, killing, murdering, raping, torturing and destroying without restraint, against every law of life and its order, against every human right, international law and every respect, honour and dignity of human beings. This has been the case since time immemorial, just as it has never had a right to exist since time immemorial. This is just like the atomic bombs and all nuclear weapons of all kinds, which not only threaten the entire Earth's humanity, but even jeopardise the existence of the planet Earth itself.
In addition to the monstrosity that results in the murder of human beings and the destruction of human achievements, there are also the antagonists on the side of the warmongers, who constantly and irresponsibly set fire to the warring parties, who use lies and fraudulent statements to incite the whole world and claim that they are using or intend to use certain internationally defined and banned 'weapons and other means' in the war until they actually do so, because the constant agitation is simply too much for them. In this manner, what the warmongering party hopes for becomes reality, so that internationally outlawed weapons and means are used and the war degenerates all the more.
The military has nothing to do with peacemaking, nor with self-defence, which requires controlled Gewalt and goes far beyond the instinct of self-preservation and requires a special approach. Different laws apply to self-defence than to the instinct of self-preservation; the latter requires controlled Gewalt, which alone can still protect life and save it from death. Self-defence not only fully requires sound logic, crystal-clear reason and tangible, sober and insightful reason, but also its resolute and consistent implementation with a commitment to life.
War is a work of death, like the death penalty, which is contrary to any protection of life and is therefore unjust. War, the death penalty, as well as murder and manslaughter, not only shamefully violate the rules of the right to life of every creature, every human right and international law, but war and the death penalty also turn the human beings who practise them into murderers and mass murderers. Moreover, war victimises innocent people and senselessly destroys human achievements through damage and destruction, while guilty people, such as criminals and murderers, are executed, whereby Gewalt is repaid with counter-Gewalt and revenge is exacted.
To avoid war, true logic, understanding and reason must never be forgotten – but only human beings are capable of these values, who do not ignore suggestions, possibilities and warnings in the run-up to a quarrel and in the case of accusations and disputes etc., but consider them carefully and clarify them through mutual conversation. However, this takes time, indeed a lot of time – and patience, and this patience must not be put to the test or lost. One way or another, a mutually acceptable consensus must always be found that is satisfactory to all sides and thus actually ensures peace and avoids war. But this is effectively only possible through the use of sober logic, common sense and plain reason, which must be inherent in human beings as a whole. However, if this is not part of a human being's independence, sovereignty, self-government and self-legislation, then on the one hand he/she himself/herself betrays his/her inability to make decisions, give orders and take action, and he thereby proves that on the one hand he is classified as a non-thinker, and on the other hand that he is only capable of making decisions, actions and deeds on impulse, which do not necessarily correspond to well-considered decisions, orders and actions, but rather to emotional degenerations. True knowledge and wisdom – especially with regard to what true peace is – must avoid any cause of war, because peace alone guarantees the valuable progress of individual human beings and humanity as a whole. This also ensures that human beings, through their logic, clear understanding and necessary reason, realise that every overpopulation of earthly peoples constantly promotes more and more discord and acts of war, instead of putting an end to them and avoiding further spirals of escalation. In a war, everyone loses, just as war itself also threatens nuclear war today, and it is completely irrelevant who feels or proclaims to be the winner. The wounded, the refugees, the dead and their graves, the ruins of destroyed human achievements, are always witnesses to the madness, the insanity and the senselessness of every war. The main victims are always the human beings and their achievements, in which...